» First Visit :

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First Visit

What To Expect On Your First Visit

The components of your first visit will include a thorough examination, diagnosis, development of a personalized treatment plan, and the start of your therapy.

Wear appropriate, loose fitting clothing to allow for the examination of the affected area. Gowns and shorts are available at the clinic.

If you are consulting our clinic for a pelvic health issue, please be aware that this will include an internal examination as well as an external examination.

Internal examinations are performed by qualified pelvic rehabilitation physiotherapists to determine the tightness and strength or weakness of the pelvic floor muscles and pelvic girdle joints.

For all treatments, if you normally wear glasses or corrective lenses or use a hearing aid, please ensure that these are in place. Effective communication is essential for patients to understand their treatment plans that can include home exercise regimes.

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